نموزج اسئلة واجابة امتحان الانجليزي لثانية ثانوى
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Sample exam questions and answers for a second secondary English |
النموذج الرسمى و اجابة امتحان مادة الانجليزي اللغة الانجليزية لـ ثانية ثانوى المرحلة الاولى الصف الثانى الثانوى 2012 اجابات نموذجية حل شامل لجميع اجزاء الامتحان يشمل الديالوج والمواقف والقصة وسؤال الاختيارى والقطعة والترجمة وسؤال الباراجراف او الجواب او البرقية سوف يوم اساتذة الانجليزية بعد انتهاء الوقت الرسمي للامتحان باجابة جميع اسئلة الامتحان لذا انتظروا اخوانى بعض الوقت وامهلونا فرصة لاجابة الامتحان فى اقرب وقت ممكن كل التوفيق لكل ابنائنا الطلبة والطالبات مع تحيات موقعكم عيون مصر دقائق وسوف يتم وضع اجابة امتحان الانجليزي لثانية ثانوى .
السؤال الاول
Can you say it again , please ??
2- I think you should study your lessons regularly and revise well .
Can I help you cross the street
I disagree with you . I don't think so .
السؤال الثاني
1- Place : Alien's department a : foreigner b: clerk
Place : taxi a: passenger / customer b: driver
Concern concerning
Atmosphere weather
A three – years a three – year
Disturbs inspires
For since
Comfort comfortable
5 – passage 1
1- Students who are taught using a combination of online and class room education
2- About 2 billions have internet access out of 609 billions people. And by 2013 one out of every seven people on the planet will have a facebook account.
3- Recent research
4- make use
5- I nternet usages
علينا جميعا ان نعمل بجد لزيادة الانتاج وتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي
We should all work hard to increase production and achieve self –sufficiency
لقد احدثت اكتشافات واختراعات العلم تغيرات كبيرة فى حياتنا
The discoveries and inventions of science have made great changes in our life .
1- Because every venmous animal has a different venom so the antivenom for one spider won't work against the other spider
2- Because when the female jumped on him , he fell to the ground and his suit was torn small and young spiders got into it and were able to bite him
An officer in the police station to professor Jones and Ayman
They will protect them from the insecticide sprays and spiders' bites
The bad storm and the heavy rains there .
They could make medicines from the roots of the Negra plant for the bites of the black and yellow spiders that kill
Passage 2
As a sign of friendship
It refers to the 350 pieces
How to finance the operation as the other American states refused to financially participate ………
اجابة سؤال الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية
تعرف مصر دائما بأنها مهد الحضارة ( ارض الحضارات ) وذلك بسبب تاريخها العريق والثري . وحاليا فاننا نسترجع أمجادنا لكي نواكب ونساير التقدم المتحقق ( المنجز ) ( الملموس ) ( الذي نراه ) فى الدول المتقدمة .
Can you say it again , please ??
2- I think you should study your lessons regularly and revise well .
Can I help you cross the street
I disagree with you . I don't think so .
السؤال الثاني
1- Place : Alien's department a : foreigner b: clerk
Place : taxi a: passenger / customer b: driver
Concern concerning
Atmosphere weather
A three – years a three – year
Disturbs inspires
For since
Comfort comfortable
5 – passage 1
1- Students who are taught using a combination of online and class room education
2- About 2 billions have internet access out of 609 billions people. And by 2013 one out of every seven people on the planet will have a facebook account.
3- Recent research
4- make use
5- I nternet usages
علينا جميعا ان نعمل بجد لزيادة الانتاج وتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي
We should all work hard to increase production and achieve self –sufficiency
لقد احدثت اكتشافات واختراعات العلم تغيرات كبيرة فى حياتنا
The discoveries and inventions of science have made great changes in our life .
1- Because every venmous animal has a different venom so the antivenom for one spider won't work against the other spider
2- Because when the female jumped on him , he fell to the ground and his suit was torn small and young spiders got into it and were able to bite him
An officer in the police station to professor Jones and Ayman
They will protect them from the insecticide sprays and spiders' bites
The bad storm and the heavy rains there .
They could make medicines from the roots of the Negra plant for the bites of the black and yellow spiders that kill
Passage 2
As a sign of friendship
It refers to the 350 pieces
How to finance the operation as the other American states refused to financially participate ………
اجابة سؤال الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية
تعرف مصر دائما بأنها مهد الحضارة ( ارض الحضارات ) وذلك بسبب تاريخها العريق والثري . وحاليا فاننا نسترجع أمجادنا لكي نواكب ونساير التقدم المتحقق ( المنجز ) ( الملموس ) ( الذي نراه ) فى الدول المتقدمة .
- has been trying
- make
- didn't use
- island
- thought
- yield
- whose
- arrive
- for
- intention
- if
- ambition
- higher
- benefit
- had
- catch
نموزج اسئلة واجابة امتحان الانجليزي لثانية ثانوى