In fact, there are many misconceptions about diabetes and are grappling with diabetes, including without validating it, which causes the delay in taking the necessary treatment, or sometimes the wrong use for the treatment of diabetes, which occurs, which leads to problems for people with diabetes was very easy to avoid. I will just mention ten misconceptions which I think is most important of these misconceptions, and perhaps in another article we will look for some other misconceptions. And misconceptions are:

1 - I have a disease or simple sugar glucose marginal:
In fact, are either diabetic or you are not diabetic, there is no simple sugar or sugar marginal Qrotan only to blood sugar over 126 mg / dL you are fasting (or more than 200 mg / Dislatr in a random sample with the presence of symptoms of diabetes) , this means that you have diabetes and you learn to deal with Kiffa and acquire basic skills to deal with diabetes in order to avoid complications of diabetes, especially chronic ones. Be aware there is no simple sugar or marginal.
2 - I do not know why I got diabetes, although I do not Eokl sweets and sugars:
There is something important which is that everything we eat from carbohydrates (both desserts or pastries such as bread, pasta and Arashdh and couscous, rice .. etc) are converted into glucose (sugar) and then absorbed into the blood, the important thing in fact is the amount of eating and not the kind of eating I mean that the more the amount of calories consumed with the lack of use and burned (sport and movement) Whenever a person is prone to obesity, which makes it vulnerable to diabetes type II, the important thing in the injury of diabetes is obesity and not the amount of sugars you eat, with the important note is that the talk here about the kind II diabetes.
3 - I have abstained from eating carbohydrates so blood sugar does not rise:
Abstinence full from eating carbohydrates wrong and despite the fact that carbohydrates increase blood sugar, even for persons of others with diabetes, but it is very important for people with diabetes to eat carbohydrates (such as bread, pasta and Arashdh and couscous, rice .. etc) but as far as is known not to exceed 50% of the amount of eating the main meal each (about seven to eight teaspoons of spoons to eat well-known), because not eating carbohydrates and omissions will cause the failure of the body and lack of physical activity, because carbohydrates are the main source of energy that the body needs to perform its vital functions, then in addition to carbohydrates it is the person that can eat a lot of vegetables and salads.
4 - seems I am in danger now because the doctor told me that I need to inject insulin:
Of course, talking here about the second type of diabetes, in fact I do not know why this concept, but perhaps because there are some people who started using the injection of insulin in the advanced stages of diabetes (ie, after the occurrence of chronic complications of diabetes), and this concept is in fact It is not true, you will need to use insulin injections at any moment to see a doctor to be appropriate, given that the nature of diabetes type II continuity. We have clarified the meaning of this in one of the previous articles, that is twice the beta cells the pancreas is one of the leading causes of Type II diabetes and found that this weakness in the beta cells the pancreas continues to deteriorate even if the diabetes is used in Oaqras treatment to lower blood sugar well. But the need for insulin is expected to occur. Then that the modern scientific research showed that the more Use with diabetes type II insulin injection in the advanced stages of diagnosis the better for his health and to prevent chronic complications of diabetes.
5 - Any person who uses the insulin is bound to be infected with type I diabetes:
Not necessarily, it is true that insulin is a treatment used to treat type I diabetes can not cure type I diabetes using disks Alkhafezh blood sugar, but not necessarily that all who use the insulin they are of type I diabetes, as mentioned in point No. 4 above, there are many people with Type II diabetes would use insulin in a certain stage of the disease. There are also some other reasons for the increase in blood sugar and not from within the type I and type II diabetes and insulin is the most appropriate therapy for the treatment of increased blood sugar.
6 - it was said that insulin causes complications in diabetes:
Insulin is a hormone that is essential, and insulin-like plant is a newly human insulin for quite a very pure, and this makes the result of complications of insulin is very low. There are also many of the important research which showed that there was no relationship between the use of insulin and increase the complications of diabetes. On the contrary, the most important Marine Biology showed that the use of insulin properly reduce the incidence of complications of diabetes very large values.
7 - I feel that my health good, what makes me interested in the permanent care of diabetes:
In fact, this feeling is real, I mean that the diabetic patient does not have many symptoms, especially in the early diagnosis of disease and when to start treatment, when symptoms disappear, which was present due to high blood sugar during the diagnosis was thought the patient that he was cured of diabetes or diabetes is not serious or that diabetes does not need constant care. These feelings wrong in fact, because the seriousness of diabetes is the occurrence of chronic complications that occur after a period of time for quite some time after the passage of 15 or 20 years from the beginning of diagnosis of the disease and occurs complications in the absence of good control blood sugar may be the increase in blood sugar is marked by diabetes, and here lies the danger of diabetes (and some even describe diabetes the silent killer), so we have interest and make sure to control disease, a diabetes and by obtaining the values proposed for blood sugar, using gauges blood sugar and periodic analysis of sugar cumulative blood sugar and follow-up blood pressure and blood fat analysis from time to time.
8 - There is no reason that measure the blood sugar, I feel I can increase blood sugar so without the need to
Using a measurement of blood sugar:
Many people with diabetes say that, in fact it is there really some people with diabetes
Have the ability to sense an increase of blood sugar, but research showed that most people with diabetes do not have the ability to guess at the correct blood sugar they have. There are those who tell you that he does not feel the increase of blood sugar is in fact more than 200 mg / dL, and some do not feel the symptoms of increased blood sugar only after his blood sugar is over 350 mg / dL.
9 - if I care about myself and follow a good diet and exercise sport, there are no importance to continue to take drugs to treat diabetes:
(Of course, talking here about the second type of diabetes) may in fact be possible, but a very small number of people with diabetes type II, as diabetes type II nature of continuity, that is the cause of the second type of diabetes continues, even though with diabetes to continuously and well in the diet and exercise. This continuity in the deterioration of the disease will make use of disks of sugar Alkhafezh inevitable. Is it true that if you can do without the use of the pills to treat diabetes? Answer: often must use disks or injection over time.
10 - inevitable complications of diabetes:
Of course, this misconception may broadcast scientifically that good control of blood sugar reduces the incidence of complications of diabetes, chronic dramatically sometimes up to 70%, and these ratios are important and good, which makes diabetes is eager and excited to follow the diet appropriate food, exercise and taking medical treatment in regular as well as regular medical follow-up and good to control the blood sugar. Taking into account the control of blood pressure and blood fats also should not forget these two twins who are in a sometimes Massahban diabetes.
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