Tutankhamun and the treasures .. Overwhelmed by the story of magic and mystery
Ocean - Hala ElDesoki
In this place we bid farewell to the traditional tourist places .. Ready to face the risks and hold our breath in preparation to jump inside it .. Perhaps the **** of this place to enter a sponsor of terror to the hearts, which was shrouded in mystery for many years .. Council jinn cave is located at the northern limit of the plateau near the village of Selma Fence Quriyat state, located on the road to the village of the fog of the State of images in the Eastern Province.
Cave demons
There were a lot of myths about the jinn take this cave of their own council, which is caused by light from the cavity of a hacker in the roof of the cave wall to the right, reflecting shadows moving, made the people believe the existence of the jinn, demons in it.
The Cave of the Council of the jinn of the greatest natural wonders, where an archaeological cave as the largest class in the Arab world and the second largest underground cave in the world.
The length of the cave is 340 meters and width 228 meters and a height of 120 meters. The cave and take a circular form, and can accommodate 10 aircraft Jumbo, with an area of 58 thousand square meters.
A difficult task
And needs access to the top of the cave where a great effort to be a distance of 1300 meters from the rugged mountain trails in about five hours or by helicopter. The descent into the cave and climb it requires a high level of skill and training, where you can not get off the ropes only.
The walls of the cave consists of limestone interspersed with some waterways composed of sand and gravel. The laboratory tests showed that the cave floor is a deep lake dry.
When exposed to flood the cave, especially after a rain storm pushes water inside of the holes Aljdranih and ceiling. Due to the low temperature inside below 18 degrees, it remains muddy bottom of the lake for several weeks after drying, in addition to the other layers of the remains of animal and plant-borne water to precipitate out at the cave floor.
Conquer the fear
The accident was discovered a cave, "the Council of the jinn" during the implementation of a program of the Public Authority for Water Resources, and was the first down inside the cave is huge is a expert body which is "without Davisson" in 1983, through the hole with a depth of 120 meters, which is the shortest open openings three, and then came his wife, "Cheryl Jones" in the following year, 1984, landing of the deepest open and a depth of 158 meters, it became known in its **** since then, and then came "without Jones," then to fall from the third slot in 1985.
Geologists have estimated age of a cave, "the Council of the jinn" or "peaceful cave," as some would like to be called relative to the region in which fifty million years.
And encourages nature lovers cave adventures, where the adventurer Felix Baumgartner in February 2007, an unprecedented jump of successful risky to the heart of the cave.
Austrian sports and jumped after six seconds in the bottom of the cave, where they cheered and gathered a number of mountain people to witness this unprecedented achievement.
Felix was not an easy task since the main challenge was not in the jump, but how they are implemented, the largest Valhages timing was right to open the umbrella to be able to change its direction due to the fact that the cave Mekov.
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